We are glad you took time to visit our site. Please scroll down to get the latest news, events and how you can be a part of something bigger than all of us! If you want to join our family through service or sponsorship, click below.
We want our message to be clear in our branding so we have decided to update our logo to more accurately match our mission, helping families break generational cycles of poverty by lifting up and moving forward!
Please have patience with us as we work to update all of our materials to reflect the new look.
Ron & Krista Mainess, Co-Founders of Helping our Families, have for years opened their homes and hearts to family and friends needing a safe and stable environment to succeed. The natural next step was to create an organization where they could provide the same type of support and guidance to other single mothers.
Beginning April 1, 2023, you will receive a free copy of our exclusive 31-day devotional book, Legacies of Faith with a donation of $15 or more. Consider contributing to receive more than one copy to share with a friend or family member. It makes a great gift!
Helping Our Families is a non-profit organization created with the mission of improving the quality of life of families.
Our Mission is to improve the quality of life for families by empowering them with educational tools, emotional support, spiritual guidance and healthy lifestyle resources.
The BRIDGE Program:
Bringing Real Intervention to Develop Growth and Education.
Read the stories of women transformed by the power of the BRIDGE Program and the love of family.
Read the bios of our accomplished board members who are shaping our mission and supporting our work.
Learn about the state of families in Ohio and the lasting impact family structure can have on a child.
Welcome to our journey! Our journey includes everyone who has ever encouraged us, prayed for, and believed in God's mission to help families thrive!